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Local entrepreneurs purchase 10-year-old dealership

The dealership buy-sell space remains heated in January, with Powersports Listings Mergers & Acquisitions (PLMA) announcing its latest transaction that involves a change in ownership.

Cycle City Wyoming in Evanston, Wyoming, is now Addicted Power Sports, representing the Yamaha, BRP, Kawasaki, Hammerhead and Lynx brands.

Owners Mark and Laura Black purchased the 10-year-old dealership with the help of Mike Pate, vice president of Powersports Listings M&A, back in 2014. Upon the decision to sell after six years of successful ownership, they called upon Pate again to represent them as sellers.

Local entrepreneurs Sam Nielsen and Tim Ray emerged as the perfect candidates to take over the dealership operation. Pate worked with the parties right through the holidays to finalize the transaction and was on site for the closing reconciliations.

PLMA, based in Dallas, managed the transaction as the seller’s representative with team members: Tom Macatee, CEO; David Clay, CIO; Jerry Szopinski, president of sales and networking; Jaye Sanders, managing director and Pate.

2022 Dealership Transactions as provided to Powersports Business

January 2022

Addicted Powersports – Buys Cycle City Wyoming (WY)

MOMS – Buys Enfield Motorsports (CT) and Valley Motorsports (MA)

Hot Metal Harley-Davidson closes (PA)

Indian Motorcycle St. Paul – Buys Bison Thunder Motorcycle (MN)

Zia Powersports – Adds Lone Star Powersports (TX)

Storm Lake Honda – Buys Schuelke Powersports (IA)

RumbleOn – Buys RideNow Beach Boulevard (FL)

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