The show is over. What now?
You just got back from a great show, but despite your best efforts, some meetings with prospects didn’t lead to a sale. Not so unusual, is it? You also realize that you didn’t see some potential buyers that you were sure would visit your booth over the weekend. Now what do you do to start building a relationship with these two pools of prospects?
It’s time to organize a post-show open house, ideally within a couple of weeks, to extend the opportunity for a deal. This event, which offers special show pricing, could be the nudge visitors need to take action and become buyers.
Create two email campaigns – one for prospective buyers who visited your booth during the show, and one for the remaining prospects in your database. Thank visitors for stopping by, mention the model they were interested in at the show and invite them to an open house – their last chance to benefit from special show prices. An effective word track is: “Due to the huge crowds at the show, we want to make sure that you have another chance to take advantage of low show prices at our dealership.” Ask them to call or email you to schedule an appointment during the open house and link to your website for more information on this special event.
The email to the remaining prospects should say, “Sorry we missed you at the show; come to our open house and benefit from special show pricing.” The rest of the content should mirror the suggestions I made for the email to prospects who visited your booth.
Remember to motivate your team. A couple of days before the open house, have an early evening phone party with your salespeople and ask them to call prospects and customers assigned to them in your lead management database. Serve pizza and beer as a token of appreciation. You’ll be surprised by the return on such a small investment!
A Minnesota-based dealership organized an open house following a major regional show and sold nearly 70 percent of what it sold during the show. An open house is a great extension of a show; it offers another touch point with prospects that may choose not to come and provides another venue for show visitors who are most interested in experiencing a bike or other product firsthand. It’s also a strong incentive for prospects who need more time to get to know your salesperson and your dealership better.