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Minnesota becomes sixth state to pass lane-filtering into law

With Gov. Tim Walz (D) signing HF 5247 into law on Friday, May 24, Minnesota became the sixth state to legalize lane filtering.

Minnesota is now the easternmost state to legalize lane filtering. It joins California, Utah, Montana, Arizona, and Colorado—which also signed lane filtering into law this year—as states that permit it.

“With this new ability to filter through slow-moving traffic and at stoplights, riders in Minnesota will benefit from increased safety on the open road. The recent successes of lane-filtering legislation passing into law in Colorado and Minnesota signal excellent momentum for our efforts in that space, and the overall well-being of our road-riding members.”

Nick Sands, AMA central states representative

As part of a supplemental budget bill — which impacted several departments, including the Minnesota Department of Transportation — motorcyclists in Minnesota will now be allowed to filter through traffic “at not more than 25 miles per hour and no more than 15 miles per hour over the speed of traffic in relevant traffic lanes.”

Written by Sen. Scott Dibble (D-61) and Reps. Frank Hornstein (D-61A), Brad Tabke (D-54A) and Erin Koegel (D-39A), this section of the bill will take effect on July 1, 2025.

The legislation’s success came after AMA member and BMW MOA Treasurer Phil Stalboerger told his story of being rear-ended on a motorcycle while in traffic to several legislators who wanted to find a way to prevent further accidents from happening.

“After telling my story to a lot of people and educating people on what lane-filtering means for the motorcycle community, it’s very rewarding seeing this legislation pass,” Stalboerger said. “There was a nice rally cry from the motorcycle community, clubs, small businesses, and others saying that ‘yes,’ we want this. The passage of this legislation illustrates grassroots advocacy at its finest.”

In addition to the lane-filtering aspects, HF 5247 also added punishments for drivers who impede motorcyclists on the open road, stating that “an operator of a motor vehicle must not intentionally impede or attempt to prevent the operation of a motorcycle” when filtering.

Its well-documented success in other states, in addition to support from several studies, indicate that it’s an effective way to keep motorcyclists safe on the road.

The AMA endorses lane filtering and lane splitting; its position can be found on its website.

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  1. If motorcyclists would learn how to drive it wouldn’t be a problem. I see them weaving in and out of traffic creating issues for car drivers. Why are car drivers always left out of special laws.

    1. How are you comparing two totally different road users? Car drivers are the gas guzzling, texting, bass thumping distracted cell phone users. Ur family vehicle is most likely to complain about being passed in traffic. This is a simple improvement of the traffic laws to relieve congestion and keep bikes from overheating and being rear ended in traffic by soccer parents. Motorcyclists may drive faster but we are disrespected and bullied on the road by tailgaters

  2. Motorcyclist should be required to site in traffic and be patient like the rest of us are expected to do.
    They shouldn’t get a pass to be able to bob in and out of traffic creating unsafe conditions for everyone else and we get the blame when they get hit.
    It’s frustrating for all of us dealing with slower traffic.
    I own a motorcycle and I understand both sides..
    I don’t think it’s fair as a car driver to be stuck in traffic and watch a motorcycle slipping through traffic to get to their destination quicker.

  3. Not all folks who ride motorcycles are the same or ride the same. The education you must attend to receive a motorcycle endorsement is intensive. I became a must better operator of a vehicle after receiving my motorcycle endorsement. With that being said, most motorcyclists must be observant for themselves AND those who are driving cars and not seeing them. Many collisions are caused due to the ‘car driver’ not noticing or seeing the motorcycle and therfore they believe the motorcyclist is a bad rider or at blame for the collision. If ALL folks who are on the roadways, from foot traffic to semis, would be observant and aware while operating their chosen vehicle many, many accidents and close calls would be avoided. You can’t change others but you can change you. Become a better driver to I sure your safety and others will benefit from your awareness and upgraded skills. We’re all in this together – there’s no you or them, only us.

  4. This isn’t gonna work out well here. There are very very few instances where motorcycles need this in Minnesota. 94 in Minneapolis 494 by moa and 694 near Brooklyn Park. The other times is going to be people “filtering” down the middle of 169 at 95mph.
    I had a kid clip my driver door and luckily not end up under my wheels on hwy 100 because he was trying to pass me in between the car next to me while we were all doing 65

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