It’s retirement time after 34 years in parts at dealership
The experience of buying parts at Stubbs Harley-Davidson in Houston took a noticeable turn as the calendar flipped, with parts guru Bill Stokes riding off into retirement after 34 years at the dealership.
Here’s how the dealership described their thanks on Instagram:
“Happy Retirement Bill! Thank you for these amazing past 34 years with us at Stubbs Harley-Davidson! As one chapter ends, another begins, welcome to your new found freedom! We all will truly miss you, love your Stubbs Harley-Davidson Family!”
Is someone at your dealership hitting the retirement zone in 2022? Let us know and send a photo to
dmcmahon at Got a new team member on board ready to accelerate your shop’s growth in 2022? Give those folks a shoutout also with a note to us here at PSB.