MSF selected by Lime as Ride Education and Safety Consultants for e-moped rentals
Lime has partnered with the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) to consult on the design of safety lessons for users of its new line of electric two-wheelers.
“Safety is our biggest priority, and as we add electric mopeds to our existing platform of e-bikes and e-scooters, we want the best-in-class provider of rider education to consult with us, making MSF the obvious choice,” said Wayne Ting, CEO of Lime.
“As micro mobility offerings diversify and shift from bicycle lanes onto city streets, MSF is ready to bring its safety knowledge and expertise to help riders learn how to ride properly and have fun. We encourage riders to take full advantage of Lime’s training offerings, and to always wear helmets and other riding gear,” said Erik Pritchard, president and CEO of the MSF. “This safety module is a good first step to becoming a responsible, safety-minded rider.”
The safety offerings start with an app-based guide and knowledge test that renters must complete before beginning their ride; MSF also supported Lime’s development of a DIY practice guide, which riders can use on their own to refine their riding skills and prepare themselves for various traffic situations. The DIY guide shows riders how to set up personal riding drills in a parking lot, covering critical skills such as braking and cornering.
The new e-moped is the first Lime vehicle to allow the operator to carry a passenger. Lime will provide two helmets in the trunk of every moped. They have a top speed of 28 mph and can travel up to 87 miles on a single charge. To access Lime mopeds, each rider must have a valid driver’s license and take a photo of themselves wearing a helmet, which must be worn throughout the ride.
Lime is also planning to provide free, hands-on training exercises for its riders. MSF-certified RiderCoaches will guide small groups through exercises lasting 30-45 minutes; the MSF wants e-moped users to develop good safety habits and be responsible riders, whether they remain renters or eventually become motorcycle or scooter owners. In this way, micro mobility users can access this new transportation mode and experience the freedom that two-wheel transportation and recreation provides.