PSB webinar series gathers dealers in interactive setting
The Powersports Business Online Learning Series kicked off Wednesday with a successful debut webinar, attracting attendees from virtually every facet of the industry, from dealer to OEM to aftermarket to consultant to finance to service provider and beyond.
Nearly 2 out of 3 attendees were dealers on the live webinar.
Fran O’Hagan, founder and CEO of Pied Piper Management Co., provided a valuable and insightful presentation titled “Selling Effectively Along the Entire Customer Path: From Digital ‘Should I Consider It?’ to In-Person ‘I’ll Take It!’
Chat room feedback included comments like “great info,” “thanks for sharing,” and “good info, thanks.”
You can no longer enter the chat room, but you can get smarter about retailing by viewing the webinar. You will also be set up to view the Nov. 18 webinar on an inside look at the dealership buy/sell market, with George Chaconas from Performance Brokerage Services.
Click the image below to view the webinar.