First webinar in PSB Online Learning Series to debut Nov. 11
Seeking new ways to keep sales momentum at your dealership heading into the final two months of year and into 2021? Powersports Business is here to lend a hand with the launch of the all-new Powersports Business Online Learning Series.
The first webinar session will feature Fran O’Hagan, founder and CEO of Pied Piper Management Co.

O’Hagan, whose company procures the highly regarded and well recognized Prospect Satisfaction Index (PSI) scores from a host dealership in-person and online shopping experiences, will join PSB editor Dave McMahon on Wednesday, Nov. 11 at 2:00 EST.
Click here to register for the free webinar.

O’Hagan’s presentation “Selling Effectively Along The Entire Customer Path: From Digital ‘Should I Consider It?’ to In-Person ‘I’ll Take It!’ will focus on the fact that powersports customers are spending more and more of their time online, before they ever visit a dealership in-person. However, in-person selling is still critical to every dealership’s success. What are some simple best practices to sell effectively along the entire customer path: from digital, where customers decide which products to consider and look for available inventory, through in-person at the dealership, where customers experience the product first-hand, and decide, “I’ll take it!”
There will be a Q&A opportunity at the end of the presentation.
Click the image below to register for the free webinar.