2021 Yamaha Wolverine RMAX 1000 landing at dealerships
The all-new 2021 Yamaha Wolverine RMAX 1000 side-by-sides have been arriving at Yamaha dealers nationwide since their debut early last month. In addition, Yamaha plans to host a livestream on Oct. 21 to discuss some of the market-leading features and benefits of the Proven Off-Road RMAX 1000 models.
“We’re excited to see the all-new RMAX 1000 models coming off our Georgia production line, arriving at Yamaha dealers across the country, and getting into the hands of customers,” said Steve Nessl, Yamaha’s motorsports marketing manager. “The core recreational off-road community immediately knew when we announced the RMAX2 1000 and RMAX4 1000 Side-by-Sides last month, this is exactly what they want and must have. It’s an exciting time for Yamaha, our dealers, and our off-roading family. With so many class-dominating features, the Wolverine RMAX 1000 lineup is a gamechanger, delivering customer-favorite features with Yamaha’s Proven Off-Road performance, durability, and reliability.”
Take a closer look at the RMAX 1000 in the latest edition of OPE Business, a Powersports Business sibling publication, by clicking the image below.
— Dave McMahon, editor, dmcmahon at powersportsbusiness.com