WMT announces Harley-Davidson as presenting sponsor for Suffragists Centennial Motorcycle Ride
Women’s Motorcycle Tours (WMT) has announced Harley-Davidson as a major partner on the Suffragists Centennial Motorcycle Ride (SCMR2021), according to a recent announcement. Harley-Davidson will be supporting the event with dealership events along the way, hosting the Centennial Riders at the 81st Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, offering a unique museum experience and party in Milwaukee, and offering long-distance, rolling demo rides all the way from Milwaukee to Arlington, Virginia.
“Harley-Davidson has a very long history of supporting women motorcycle riders. Beginning with Effie and Avis Hotchkiss, the first two women to ride across the U.S. in a motorcycle side-car rig in 1915,” said Women’s Motorcycle Tours founder and Centennial Ride event producer Alisa Clickenger in an announcement. “Harley-Davidson has been a significant contributor to the growing number of women riders, and I am honored to be working in partnership with them on this ride and the conference.
“So many female riders throughout motorcycling history have been associated with the Harley-Davidson brand. Vivian Bales, the first motorcycle cover girl, long-distance motorcycle rider, and stunt rider in the 1920s and 1930s was a Harley-Davidson rider, as was Dot Robinson, the founder of the Motor Maids. Bessie Stringfield, the first African-American woman to complete a solo cross-country ride, also rode a Harley-Davidson, and it’s delightful that we’ll be carrying on her tradition of long-distance motorcycle riding. My Centennial motorcycle events are always at the intersection of historical remembrance and modern celebration, and Harley-Davidson is the perfect partner for us to expand the narrative of bold and audacious women who paved the way for our modern women and our right to vote.”