Mid America Harley-Davidson acquired by Momentum Holdings
Mid America Harley-Davidson in Columbia, Missouri, has been sold to Momentum Holdings in Alabama.
The sale of the dealership owned by Steve and Laura Pecoraro was transferred to the Alabama-based group that currently has a portfolio of seven other Harley dealerships, including Adrenaline Harley-Davidson (Florida), Hooligan Harley-Davidson (Alabama), and other powersports and marine dealerships.
Mid America Harley-Davidson will be rebranded to Blacktop Harley-Davidson as part of Momentum’s seven other Harley-Davidson dealerships throughout the southern part of the country.
Barnhouse Harley-Davidson and Barnhouse Powersports, which was owned by the Pecoraros, will permanently close down its Jefferson City location due to restructuring and other economic factors, according to a report on KOMU 8’s website.
Barnhouse team members will be transferred to Blacktop Harley-Davidson, according to the company, which reiterated its commitment to current customers and the “Harley-Davidson lifestyle.”