ODES UTVS partners with Interstate Batteries
Following the unveiling of ODES UTVS’ new Special Edition UTVs, the company announces a partnership with Interstate Batteries, the nation’s leading replacement brand battery. The news comes on the heels of the company’s decision to introduce a new 7-inch full-color touchscreen LCD with GPS mapping technology to five of its vehicles — the most under any OEM lineup to offer such technology.
“This partnership signifies a big progression for ODES’ end-consumers, as batteries are a common source of concern for most OEMs,” said Mike Smith, CEO of ODES UTVS. “We wanted to partner with Interstate Batteries because — just like ODES — they’re committed to providing the highest quality product in their respective industry.”
ODES offers Interstate batteries in all Special Edition and LCD model UTVs and plans to convert all product offerings over the next six months. Interstate Batteries joins other ODES UTVS partners like Sycotic Designs, Royal Purple, Desert Concepts, CV-Tech Canada and Delphi Canada, among others.