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NCMDA to hold its annual meeting this weekend

The North Carolina Motorcycle Dealer Association (NCMDA) will be hosting its annual dealer meeting at the Renaissance Hotel at North Hills in Raleigh this weekend, Feb. 17-18. Chris Brewer, president of the association, says the hotel room block is completely sold out but there are sister properties nearby that may still have rooms outside of their room block.

The hotel room block is completely sold out, but NCMDA says sister properties nearby may still have rooms available for last-minute attendees.

The agenda for Saturday night (Feb. 17) includes a casino night over the lobby on the terrace with drinks and casino games from 7:30-10:30. Brewer says they are excited to bring this festive event back for members.

The meeting on Sunday will begin at 9 am, with check-in at 8:45 am. NCMDA will provide the coffee, and the meeting room is located in ballroom A on the ground floor of the hotel. A catered lunch will be provided in the ballroom in the meeting space from 11:30 to 12:15.

Saturday, February 17

4:30 pm –6 pm: Board of directors meeting above lobby on Terrace
7:30 pm –10:30 pm: Cocktails on the Terrace above lobby (sponsored by Rider’s Advantage).

Sunday, February 18

9 am – 9:15 am: Meeting registration and check-in
9:15 am –9:35 am: North Carolina State Treasurer Dale Folwell
9:35 am –10:45 am: General member meeting

  • Greeting and Introductions
  • Minutes of Last Meeting
  • Financial Report
  • Legislative Issues
  • Topics of Interest Discussion

10:45 am –11:15 am: Federated Insurance Presentation
11:15 am –11:30 am: Rider’s Advantage
11:30 am –12:15 pm: Luncheon sponsored by Federated Insurance & Torque Group

NCMDA will have Senator Steve Jarvis, who campaigned for the UTV street legal bill. He will be focusing on assisting the association in passing the off-road title bill. Dale Folwell, N.C. State Treasurer, will also be an honored guest. The meeting will adjourn around 5 pm.

The full agenda can be downloaded here.

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