Don’t forget that this industry sells excitement
When I took my post as the associate editor of Powersports Business more than six months ago, I had some experience with most of the different powersports vehicles.
I grew up on Gold Wings. My dad has one; my uncle has one; and my grandpa and another uncle each owned Gold Wings until they could no longer ride. I’m also looking at earning my motorcycle license this summer.
Growing up in Minnesota, I have also dabbled in riding snowmobiles and PWC.
I’m missing a few categories there, like scooters and off-road motorcycles, but the clear hole in my industry experience was in ATVs and UTVs. However, that ill was quickly cured earlier this week.
On Monday, I ventured off to Carolina Adventure World in Winnsboro, S.C., for KYMCO’s 2012 off-road product release. A few days before, I had learned how to start ATVs and UTVs and had taken a few laps around a gravel parking lot. Other than that, the press intro was my first chance at riding.
What did I find? It’s a blast! If it weren’t for the soreness in my upper arms and shoulders and for work calling me back to Minnesota, I could’ve ridden for days. Don’t get me wrong; I haven’t mastered the sport yet. I stumbled a time or too, and I rode significantly slower than the other journalists who go off-roading much more often than I do, but I was really getting the hang of riding and overall had a great experience.
The excitement reminds me of each year’s first warm spring day when my dad would pull his bike out of the garage, and I would hop on the back for a ride. Powersports vehicles are exciting and fun!
I’ve had a few people in the industry tell me that one of the keys to their sales is exuding passion about the sport and convincing the customer that riding a motorcycle, ATV, UTV, PWC, scooter, snowmobile or other machine is the only way to achieve that same feeling. Though that won’t make every sale, keep it in mind. Most customers are coming into your dealership because what you sell makes them happy. Use that to your advantage whenever you can.
I know I’m excited for my next riding adventure!