Signs of revenue growth, nationwide
Is it possible there is a dealership segment that nationwide is averaging more revenue in a pretty rocky 2010 compared to the year before?
Apparently yes.
That segment? E-commerce.
Powersports Business is surveying dealers across the nation about their online revenue and their e-commerce practices for an upcoming Webinar called “Improving e-commerce profits.”
So far, the results are very encouraging.
I can’t provide full results because we’re still surveying dealers. However, I can tell you we’re asking about a number of questions that are repeatedly asked around the industry, like:
• “Are the majority of online sales sold at or below MSRP?”
• “How do you, the dealer, market your online store?”
• “Are the majority of your dealership’s online PG&A sales to consumers living in your area or outside of your area?”
To take part in the survey, click here.
The Webinar will be held Wednesday, Sept. 8., at 1 p.m. Central Time. To register for the event, click here.