Texas Motorcycle Dealers Association annual meeting draws a crowd
There was all sorts of goodness happening over the weekend at the Texas Motorcycle Dealers Association annual meeting in Austin. President Kip Niles and the rest of the board once again made the meeting a valuable experience for those in attendance.
Matthew Irby, general manager of El Campo Cycle Center, made his debut appearance at a TMDA meeting.
“We got a lot of helpful information from a lot of different people,” he said, echoing the sentiments of dozens of other dealers.
Irby is already primed for a return trip to the meeting in 2023 to benefit the shop that sells Can-Am, Honda, Polaris and Suzuki on the powersports side of the business, along with outdoor power equipment brands Bad Boy Mowers and Honda Power. Ranch King Trailers also are part of the dealership’s lineup.

Longtime Texas dealership general manager John Walker, now regional sales manager for McGraw Powersports, presented a check for $5,912 to the TMDA as part of the company’s agreement to donate a percentage of their 2021 sales that came from McGraw’s TMDA dealership partners.
Huge props to Trey Sralla, CEO and general manager at Eddie Hill’s Fun Cycles in Wichita Falls, for putting together a program that attracted an impressive group of dealership owners and operators from throughout the state.

Is your state’s dealer association dead as a doornail? It can’t be that way. The dealers with active state dealership associations will tell you so, and there’s no better proof than what we saw at the TMDA meeting. Every state has their own Mt. Rushmore of dealership owners. You know them. We know them. Over the weekend, the ones in Texas were all in Austin and they all coincidentally are active members of their state association.
PSB single-handedly held down the industry B2B media table with aplomb during the meeting (we did alright at the Maggiano’s table, too – thanks Aegis Powersports!) and shared some by-the-minute posts via photos and videos over on Instagram, which you can find below.