Next stop: Texas Motorcycle Dealers Association annual conference
If you see Powersports Business content director Dave McMahon clicking the crates at Waterloo Records in Austin, it must mean it’s time for the Texas Motorcycle Dealers Association annual conference.
McMahon will seek Austin heat on Friday before heading over to the Domain on Saturday, Feb. 19, for the opening reception dinner.
On Sunday, the day-long agenda includes
- Discussion of direction for the TMDA in 2022 & 2023
- Educational speakers about aspects of the powersports industry
- Legislative update from the TMDA Lobbyist – Royce Poinsette
- Network with other dealers and industry partners
We’re looking forward to returning to one of our favorite annual in-person events on the calendar. And if we can make a run out to Salt Lick, even better!
Conference sponsors are Federated Insurance, Aegis, McGraw Powersports and Rider’s Advantage. Head over to the PSB Instagram to keep tabs on us this weekend (while on official business!). And here for some sights and sounds in and around ATX.