HK Powersports makes $10k holiday donation
It’s been a good year for many dealership owners throughout the industry, and some are spreading the good fortune by giving back to their community.
In a normal year, the HK Powersports Land and Lake Poker Run benefits the Easterseals of NH as one of its largest fundraising events annually.
But nothing is normal in 2020 due to COVID-19.
“We have partnered with Easterseals for this event since 2003, when we bought out an existing dealer who sponsored the event in the first few years,” said Lisa Whalley, general manager at HK Powersports in Laconia, New Hampshire. According to its site, Easterseals provides exceptional services to ensure that all people with disabilities or special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities. “Easterseals makes a huge difference in peoples lives, and offers support for babies and children, all the way up to adults and the elderly, and has a very special place in my families hearts. Normally we give the organization a new Sea-Doo watercraft and a trailer to raffle off as the grand prize. We felt like our donation, although just a drop in the bucket compared to the $100,000+ they normally raise at this one event, was something that would make a difference in these difficult times.”
Whalley noted the dealership also supports organizations such as the Boys and Girls Club of America, Toys for Tots and others “for the greater good of our local community.”
Powersports Business has previously reported about the importance of becoming more than a business, but an asset in your surrounding community – from offering outreach through demo rides, to ensuring a growing expansion is tax incentivized.
Is your business doing anything special this holiday season? If so, drop a line to and let us know what you have going on!