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Can-Am 20 for 20 aims to build female rider base

Can-Am’s 20 for 20, which aims to inspire more women to ride, has launched with the goal of getting more of your dealership’s female customers — and staff — on the road. The event kicked off as part of Saturday’s International Female Ride Day.

Can-Am 20 For 20 is a virtual group ride for women, by women, with a goal to collectively ride 20,000 miles on their vehicles. Along the way, Can-Am will encourage the riders to engage other women to spread the joy of riding. And to celebrate reaching the goal and all the women who helped get there, Can-Am is creating the Women of On-Road Fund, which will help make riding accessible to all women, especially new riders.

View the Can-Am 20 for 20 kick-off video below.

Whether it is on Facebook, Instagram or both, it’s easy for participants to track their distance and help Can-Am and its community reach the goal of 20,000 miles. Here is how to participate:

1. Ride

2. Track miles in this form here

3. Share a picture or video from the ride on social media with #WomenOnRoad, #IFRD, and #InternationalFemaleRideDay

“Can-Am and myself share more than our international vision. We both are about change, to make and to be the change in riding. I believe that the road should be open to all, and to have a major player such as Can-Am join the IFRD movement is significant,” said Vicki Gray, founder of International Female Ride Day. “Our community and myself have a special connection with the brand. For me personally, I have been an instructor for road and for racing for over 30 years and have worked alongside BRP during our Canadian FIM Instructor training symposium (as the only female instructor!) where we offered testing of the Can-Am on track. I love the fact that Can-Am is committed to bringing more women into riding. And their new Women’s Mentorship Program is fabulous, congrats!”

Can-Am 20 for 20 is part of the Can-Am Women’s Mentorship program, which focuses on inclusivity and education to help women overcome the barriers that prevent them from experiencing the power of riding. Riders connect over shared experiences and love of riding on the Women of Can-Am On-Road Facebook group, which is also a resource for new riders to seek information and inspiration.

Learn more at

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