Ricky Carmichael and Triumph to unveil new 450cc MX bike Oct. 3
Triumph Motorcycles teased the launch of a new TF 450-RC at the SuperMotocross World Championship Final in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Two advertisements featuring Triumph Ambassador Ricky Carmichael riding the new bike on a track and brief glimpses of the new bike static in a studio were broadcast during the event and seen by fans at the track and watching from home on NBC.
In a voice-over, Ricky comments: “I don’t just want to put my name on something. I want to build it from the ground up. If I back it, if I put my name on it, it has to mean something. This is our dream, that is finally, a reality.”
Charmichael was heavily involved in the development and promotion of Triumph into motocross earlier this year with the TF 250, and based on the success and experience it gained, the 450cc class is the next logical step.
Enthusiasts only have a few more days until the full reveal, as Triumph promises details about the new model will be unveiled on October 3, 2024.