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Rider’s Advantage launches latest F&I product

Rider’s Advantage has announced the newest innovative product in its powersports “F&I” space. Rider’s Advantage conducted a “soft launch” of Wear Care on Jan. 1, and has received exceptional feedback.

Wear Care covers wearable components such as belts, hoses, brake pads, brake rotors, headlamps, windshield wiper blades and other electrical items. It also includes additional benefits such as key replacement and towing benefits.

“Our continued formula for success is grounded in providing a strategic partnership with the best dealers in the industry,” said Rob Hefner, president of Rider’s Advantage. “Training and development, innovative products and technology have been missing in our space. We are pleased to be able to really make a difference in the growth and development of powersports Finance and Insurance departments across North America.”

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