Does your dealership offer delivery of units to customers?
If your dealership does not currently provide free delivery of units to customers within your state, it’s an approach to consider. That’s one of the best practices that was revealed during Webinar Wednesday with Powersports Business. Content director Dave McMahon was joined by Austin Roller, general manager of Dvorak Motorsports in Bismarck, North Dakota, to discuss the Driveway to Dealership delivery program that has been a success at the shop. It’s a long way from Bismarck to places like Albany, New York, and Boston, but that’s where some of Dvorak’s customers live.

Dealers from throughout the U.S. and Canada who attended the live webinar were asked in a live poll: “In the month of January, has your dealership made any Dealership to Driveway unit deliveries for no charge within your state?” A total of 57% replied yes, while 43% said no.
View the webinar for free by clicking the link below.