Deadline for Nifty 50 submissions is less than three weeks away
That calendar flip into December means that the deadline for the Powersports Business Nifty 50 submissions is inching closer. As you know, the 2022 Nifty 50 Winter/Spring application is off and running, waiting for you to complete it below. The deadline is Friday, Dec. 17, 2021.
That’s right, the Nifty 50 program is back, and like most things these days, with a new look. Beginning in 2022, the Nifty 50 will be presented in a Winter/Spring showcase in the first half of the year. We will wrap up the second half of the year with a Summer/Fall edition of the Nifty 50. As always, the amazing spread that showcases the winners will appear in the print and digital editions of the magazine.
Apply for the Powersports Business Winter/Spring Nifty 50 by submitting the form below. The application deadline is Friday, Dec. 17, 2021.
Know of a product that your company or distributorship house brand needs to submit for the Nifty 50? Simply copy this URL and send a friendly reminder to your product manager or guru of Nifty 50-dom in your company. Most nominations are coming with video, so don’t miss that free promo opportunity on our YouTube premiere of all the nominations.
“We know that with current supply chain issues, products will not be coming to market as consistently as they once did, so we want to do whatever we can to showcase as many products and services that can lead to dealer profitability,” said Dave McMahon, editor-in-chief and content director of Powersports Business. “We’re looking forward to being able to spread the news about can’t-miss products for dealers to consider twice a year going forward. This is largely a reflection of the participation we have received for the Nifty 50 project in recent years. Big props to the product managers and companies whose participation has forced us to expand.”
And for you nostalgic types, we’ve included the video compilation of last year’s video submissions. We will produce two of these videos for 2022.