S&S Cycle adds Viola V-Twin parts line to offerings
S&S Cycle has launched a selection of high-quality service parts for Harley-Davidson and other American V-twin models under the brand Viola V-Twin, named for the company’s hometown in Wisconsin.
Viola V-Twin (VVT) is offering service and repair parts that meet or exceed OEM specifications for stock V-twin engines. When possible, the parts are made in the U.S. S&S Cycle added the line in response to customer demand, and the parts will only be made available through S&S Cycle’s dealer network.
VVT’s website, at www.violavtwin.com, offers a listing of the brand’s parts and line drawings in an online catalog. If the company doesn’t have a part a customer is looking for, a customer can request it under the Parts Suggestion Form under the Contact menu on the site. A dealer locator is also available on the site.