NHTSA offers safety tips for Motorcycle Awareness month’s end
As many motorcyclists begin their season around their nation, most dealerships know that May was Motorcycle Awareness Month. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcycle riders are 28 times more likely to die in a traffic collision than occupants in passenger cars.
Tips provided by the National Safety Council that can be shared with new riders this season are below:
– More than half of all collisions with motorcycles occur in intersections. Take extra time before you make that left turn to check for a motorcycle with the right of way
– It is harder to judge the distance of a motorcycle approaching an intersection. If there is a question, wait until it passes to proceed
– Motorcycles can stop in a shorter distance than vehicles can. Give them some room; if they have to stop suddenly, you may not be able to
– Become familiar with the lane splitting/filtering law of your state.
– Always wear a helmet
– Bright clothing can help you stand out to drivers
– Drive more defensively when on a motorcycle, especially in intersections
– Always have your headlight turned on
– Consider taking a motorcycle safety course if you are a new rider or haven’t ridden for a while