Another take on shops staying open vs. temporary closure
From our friends over at GP Motorcycles of San Diego, an e-newsletter to its customers says of the dealership:
“As of March 17, 2020, we are open for business and will remain so, as long as it is safe to do so. We are taking all possible precautions to limit the exposure to and spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), while we continue to provide the highest level of service to our customers.
“To help ensure the safety and health of both our clients and our staff, GP Motorcycles has implemented the following effective immediately:
- We are cleaning and disinfecting all common areas
- We have suspended all apparel try-ons, especially helmets
- We’re practicing social distancing — don’t be offended if we show/explain bike features from 6 feet away
- If you would like to sit on a bike, please bring gloves
- We are also limiting our shop and showroom capacity to 10 guests
- Our service department is open and scheduling services as we prepare for Spring
- If you would like to purchase a bike, but are uneasy about visiting GP, we have you covered. We can do paperwork for a bike purchase via internet, email and phone
“GP Motorcycles was opened 27 years ago with the intent to fill a cultural void in downtown San Diego — a “cool place” to hang out, eat, sleep, and breathe European motorcycles, and we intend to still the coolest place to hang out in downtown San Diego when this crisis is over. We will get through this with the support of our customers and the efforts of our hard-working team.”
GP is home to Ducati of San Diego, San Diego KTM and San Diego Husqvarna.

This sounds like a sensible approach to staying open. I think it is unreasonable to shut down the whole country and insure an economic collapse. Common sense must prevail! Good hygiene and common courtesy will go a long way to preventing the spread of this illness but allow people to continue their lives and occupations. Personally, I do not trust the government “experts” from either party in the federal or state governments. They have an agenda and are mainly looking towards November 2020. We should not have to give up our freedoms to remain safe. It’s possible to have both. Again, my hats off to GP Motorsports for staying open! You are even in California so you really are swimming upstream.