Scorpion Sports Inc. division closed by KIDO Sports Co. Ltd.
The following statement came from the KIDO Sports. Co. Ltd. headquarters this morning about the status of its Scorpion Sport Inc. (SSI) division:
“… We, at KIDO Sports Co. Ltd. can confirm that we did in fact shut down our Scorpion Sport Inc “SSI” division. The move was made as a direct consequence to its new alliance with exclusive distributor Western Power Sports (announced back in October 2017). With distribution and logistics in WPS’s capable hands, KIDO Sports can now focus entirely on the development, manufacturing, and marketing of its extensive line of exceptional Scorpion EXO helmets and apparel.
“To put it bluntly, Scorpion EXO is not going anywhere. In fact, thanks to its new alliance with distribution powerhouse WPS, a renewed focus on our brand, and the addition of a few key team members in development and marketing, 2018 has already proven to be a remarkable improvement over 2017 with significant growth in our dealer network and sales to match. Capitalizing on this momentum, we expect to continue the trend in 2019 as our relationship with WPS truly hits its stride coupled with an extensive new model release set to hit January 7.”