Polaris, dealer sued over recalled side-by-side
A man is suing Polaris Industries after claiming he was injured on a defective 2013 Polaris Ranger 500 LE off-road vehicle, according to The West Virginia Record. Polaris Acceptance, Polaris Sales, Moto Sports Inc. and R.G. Motorsports were also listed as defendants in the case.
After the vehicle was purchased in August 2012, Polaris issued a recall in February 2014 due to throttle operation problems. Justin Ford said he brought the Ranger to R.G. Motorsports for repairs in December 2016 and March 2017, and the throttle was “neither inspected nor replaced”.
Ford was injured in an accident involving the recalled 2013 Polaris Ranger on May 14, sustaining broken bones and nerve damage.
The West Virginia Record stated, “Ford claims the defendants continued to manufacture, market, distribute and sell the 2013 Polaris Ranger 500 off-road vehicles in their defective and dangerous condition, despite knowledge of the inordinate risk to users.”
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