Americans predict gas to rise to $5 a gallon
The national average price for a gallon of regular gasoline has nearly hit the $4 mark, but most Americans don’t think it’s going to stop there, according to the Washington-based non-profit American Recreation Coalition.
A new Rasmussen national telephone survey finds that 72 percent of American adults say it’s at least somewhat likely that the price of gas will rise above $5 a gallon by July 1, up 14 points from two months ago. Only 25 percent say it’s not likely a gallon of gas will cost more than $5 by then.
These findings include 38 percent who believe it’s very likely but only 3 percent who say it’s not at all likely.
An overwhelming 94 percent of Americans believe it’s at least somewhat likely they will be paying more for gas in six months, including 76 percent who say it’s very likely. These findings show little change from earlier this year.
The survey of 1,000 adults nationwide was conducted on April 30-May 1 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95 percent level of confidence.
Just 62 percent of investors think it’s likely gas will top $5 by July 1, a view shared by 82 percent of non-investors, according to the survey.