Texas Creates OHV Program
Texas Governor Rick Perry has signed into law a bill creating an off-highway vehicle program in the state. This legislation establishes an OHV trail and recreational area program, administered by the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife, which will be funded through a decal fee paid by OHV riders and fines assessed against OHV operators for violation of OHV laws.
The Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC), working in cooperation with riders in Texas, the Texas Motorcycle Dealers Association and Sen. Juan Hinojosa (McAllen), took the lead in developing and advocating the legislation and coordinating stakeholder support. The new law, which was signed by the Governor on June 17, will take effect Sept. 1, 2005.
Under the law, funding will be provided for the OHV trail and recreational area program to acquire, construct, develop, and maintain OHV trails and other riding areas.
Texas was second in the nation in the combined sale of ATVs and off-highway motorcycles in 2004 and ranks second in combined ATV and off-highway motorcycle population as well.