D&S Harley-Davidson to host groundbreaking ceremony May 14
For those who have been following, D&S Harley-Davidson has offered quite the story of perseverance after its dealership burned down – along with most of its town – just months shy of its 50th anniversary.
After the initial feature story, Powersports Business has followed as part owner Kim O’Toole and her family have waded through the rebuilding process and opened again at a temporary location. Naturally we were pleased when last week we received an invitation to the groundbreaking ceremony of their new permanent location on May 14.
“We are the first business to officially start rebuilding after the fire, and the most prominent business in the area that was lost to the fire, so it’s a big deal,” said O’Toole. “Gold shovels and hard hats, officials from the city, county and state, lots of media and a ride from our temporary building to the building site.”
Powersports Business will keep in touch with O’Toole and crew as the walls begin to go up, informing you of their progress and what they learn throughout the process. Keep an eye on your subscription for future updates.