OEM reveals top performing dealership in Southeast
A leading manufacturer of powersports vehicles recently named its top performing dealership in the Southeast region, with superior sales and customer service at its 44,000 square-foot facility helping multi-line operation Seminole Powersports to the honor from BRP.
The Sanford, Florida, dealership is an authorized dealer of BRP’s lines of Can-Am and Sea-Doo brands. The award recognizes superior sales volume, which SPS attributes to its constant training and emphasis on customer service.
While Seminole Powersports has always ranked within the top 10 BRP Southeast dealerships, this is the first time since Johnny Leone and Steve Kerr have been at the helm that the company has captured the No. 1 spot overall.

“The entire staff shares equally in this success,” said sales manager Johnny Leone. “We’re one highly effective team thanks to weekly sales and product training. We’re big believers in setting goals to inspire action, not predict it. And that constant striving to give customers a great experience makes a big difference.”
While being named top Dealer of the Year overall in the Southeast, Seminole Powersports also ranked first for sales of Can-Am Spyders, second for sales of Sea-Doo (with 145 sold), second for sport side-by-sides and fifth for sales of ATVs.
When asked about their stellar track records, sales manager Steve Kerr replied: “There are no roadblocks when you go that extra mile.”
Seminole Powersports publicizes their Dealer of the Year Award on social media, its website and on the walls of their showroom so people in Florida recognize they are the best place to purchase BRP products.
Was your dealership honored by one of your OEM partners for outstanding performance? Would you prefer that it doesn’t remain a secret? Send us a note and we’ll put an article together. — Dave McMahon, editor, dmcmahon at powersportsbusiness.com