UTV growth continues in 2015

Stat Surveys data shows 9.71 percent rise in sales
Retail sales of UTVs reached nearly 10 percent growth in 2015 compared to 2014 on a rolling January to December basis, according to the latest information from Statistical Surveys, Inc.
Using Basic Trading Areas as the basis for its data, Statistical Surveys Inc. reports that side-by-side had particularly significant growth in Lexington, Ky. (21.6 percent) and Los Angeles (21.1 percent). Detroit (16.9 percent) and Salt Lake City-Ogden in Utah (15.3 percent) also saw a dramatic increase in sales in 2015 compared to 2014.
Houston dealers saw UTV sales decline by 1.87 percent during the same time period, and Oklahoma City dealers were limited to 1.79 percent growth.