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Capitalize on mobile marketing

When was the last time you sat down to think about how you could make your customers’ shopping experiences better? Not just how you provide customer service within your dealership, but the shopping experience itself. It’s becoming a mobile world, and your business needs to continue to update its digital experience. Consider for a minute:

As phones begin to more closely resemble handheld computers, more and more potential customers will search for your business from the palm of their hand. To keep up with the competition, you need to expand your digital platform to include mobile functionality as a means of boosting sales and customer retention while allowing for a healthy, sufficient growth in competitive advantage.

What if I already have a website?

For some powersports dealers, the idea having a website is enough – but if you want to continue to grow and develop, you need more. If your website isn’t optimized for mobile, it needs to be.

How can I improve my mobile presence?

Make it as easy as possible for customers to find your products via mobile search. The solution is a responsive website layout that’s easier to search and view on mobile devices. Responsive websites automatically adjust and resize to fit the device they’re being viewed on, giving potential customers a much better shopping experience. Plus, responsive, mobile-friendly websites bring you better SEO as well. Google has even created guidelines for developers on building responsive websites that are easy for users to browse.

What can I expect?

You can expect to reach more customers and sell more inventory. Leading retailers see customers who use mobile apps and shop via multiple channels spend six to eight times the amount of customers who don’t, or use only one channel.

What’s more, your online presence can be enough to sway how your customers view your business. A positive customer experience can stem from simple mobile navigation, effective communication, and convenience. As we continue to build upon platforms that are used by millennials, among other generations and backgrounds, it’s important to remember the effective methods that provide convenience and personalized experiences.

With mobile capabilities, your powersports dealership can do just that.

Colleen Malloy is ARI’s director of marketing. Malloy has more than a decade of experience in the powersports industry and previously served as the editor of Motorcycle & Powersports News. ARI creates award-winning software solutions that help equipment manufacturers, distributors and dealers Sell More Stuff! — online and in-store. ARI removes the complexity of selling and servicing new and used inventory, parts, garments and accessories for customers in automotive tire and wheel, powersports, outdoor power equipment, marine, RV and white goods industries. More than 22,000 equipment dealers, 195 distributors and 140 manufacturers worldwide leverage ARI’s website and eCatalog platforms to Sell More Stuff!


Phone: 414/973-4323


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