Most mobile shopping savvy cities ranked
The Interactive Advertising Bureau’s Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence has released “Mobile Shoppers,” a study on consumers’ access to mobile data and how it affects shopping. In the study’s first-ever ranking of the most mobile shopping savvy cities, Houston ranked highest.
Following Houston in the study as most mobile shopping savvy cities were New York and Atlanta. The top 15 rank as follows:
1. Houston
2. New York
3. Atlanta
4. Los Angeles
5. Dallas/Ft. Worth
6. Tampa/St. Petersburg
7. Chicago
8. Philadelphia
9. Washington, D.C.
10. Seattle/Tacoma
11. San Francisco/Bay Area
12. Boston
13. Detroit
14. Minneapolis/St. Paul
15. Phoenix
The cities were ranked by looking at the mobile shopping audience today and the distribution of mobile-savvy shoppers. “Mobile shopping” in the study refers to completing purchases via a phone or tablet or using the devices to research or shop for products that are later purchased at a physical retail store.
“Early data this holiday season already indicated the growing importance of mobile as a shopping tool,” said Joe Laszlo, deputy director, IAB Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence. “Identifying mobile shoppers and delivering relevant messages to consumers as they are in shopping mode represents a key opportunity for marketers. That’s why we took this study one step further — pinpointing cities where advertisers would need to quickly embrace mobile strategies as a part of their overall plans to attract shoppers, both during the holiday season and throughout the year.”
The study leveraged BIGinsight’s Simultaneous Media Survey of 20,000 consumers, which was conducted in June.
Other findings in the study included:
– About 60 percent of those who access shopping content on their mobile devices are ages 34 or under.
– 57 percent of those who access shopping content on their mobile devices are male.
– 15.1 percent of mobile shoppers use their devices to find a store location.
– 8 percent used their mobile devices to check product availability at a store before visiting.
– Nearly 20 percent used their mobile devices to text or call family or friend about a product once inside a store.
To see more information about the study, click here.