Same Store Sales show no blip in July on average
Did you know that new and pre-owned Major Unit sales at U.S. same store dealerships too another major step forward during the month of July? That’s right, according to the latest exclusive data from CDK Global Lightspeed DMS dealerships, there was no unit sales hiccup, with the average dealership seeing growth of 32.6% in Major Units.
Even better news is that there were no geographic downward trends during the COVID-10 pandemic. All five U.S. regions in the CDK Global Lightspeed study ranged between 31.8% and 33.2% growth. One region saw 34.4% growth in parts.
The July data is pulled from 1,641 U.S. dealerships that use the Lightspeed DMS.
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Major unit sales growth on average at dealerships in 2020 is as follows, per Lightspeed data:
January — 9.7%
February — 19.9%
March — minus 17.1%
April — 1.9%
May — 60.7%
June — 53.6%
July — 32.6%
— Dave McMahon, editor, dmcmahon at