Analyst offers 2015 views on Slingshot, Indian
In a research note titled “Leisure, Gaming & Lodging: Our Top 10 Predictions for 2015,” UBS Investment Research analyst Robin Farley provides a look at the lodging, gaming, cruise lines and powersports sectors.
Powersports garnered the No. 8, 9 and 10 spots in the lineup. Here’s how Farley assessed the coming year:
“8. Indian motorcycles will continue to grow share in the US superheavyweight market, following around 1% we estimate that Indian achieved in its first full year in 2014, in our view.
- We estimate shipments of Polaris’ Slingshot will ramp significantly from Q4 levels of around 800 est units, as we move through 2015E.
- We believe Polaris’ ACE vehicle, which could be described as an ATV with side-by-side features, or like a single-seat version of a SSV, will catch on with the consumer. While ACE may not have been an out-of-the-gate hit like Slingshot, we believe as customer awareness ramps up, this vehicle will benefit from some of the same demographic trends that have driven SSV sales.”