Power 15 Dealers

Fay Myers uses events to welcome young riders

Power 15 dealership in Colorado builds dirt track in parking lot

From a customer’s point of view, Fay Myers Motorcycle World seems like it has a staff that likes to party. But from the dealership’s standpoint, it has found the perfect formula for delivering crowd- and money-gathering events.

Fay Myers, of Greenwood Village, Colo., is known for it’s rider- and family-friendly parties throughout the year. It’s ability to bring in a slew of potential customers while grooming the future generation of riders is one of the reasons Powersports Business chose the dealership as a member of the inaugural Power 15 class.

Fay Myers’ biggest event each year is its Open House Block Party, which is held in the spring. The dealership sets up its parking lot with motorcycle shows and vendors to keep the crowd engaged at the dealership for extended periods of time.

The 2012 Open House included sport bike stunts by Jason Britton, along with trials riders and FMX jumpers performing for customers. Those in attendance were treated to free food and giveaways, including Fay Myers branded goods, Muscle Milk and Red Bull energy drinks. Hooters girls were also on hand, and stunt riders offered autographs.

Another big annual event is Fay Myers Kid’s Day, which involves teaching kids to ride Honda 50 and 70 dirt bikes. The event draws a significant number of people, even bringing in folks from as far away as Wyoming.

“We build a dirt track in our parking lot, and American Supercamp comes in and trains kids all day long how to ride dirt bikes,” Fay Myers general manager Jason White said.

Each spring Fay Myers Motorcycle World in Greenwood Village, Colo., hosts a massive open house. The 2012 event featured stunt riding by Jason Britton.

The crew from American Supercamp gears up the kids from head to toe and shows them how to use the bike’s controls, riding around on the back of the bikes until each child is comfortable.

“That’s the whole point — we imprint the kids,” White explained.

Besides riding, kids are treated to bouncy houses, a dunk tank, free temporary tattoos and T-shirts, entertainment by Club Disney and other activities. In 2012, Denver Broncos mascot Miles also came to meet the children.

Another kid-friendly annual event is a Santa day, in which children can get their photo taken with Santa, receive Fay Myers branded T-shirts and toys and enter for a chance to win a dirt bike.

But the events aren’t only geared toward families. Fay Myers also hosts a variety of demo events, including two KTM days in 2011. One involved a street ride in a 20-minute loop around the store, and another included riding at the Thunder Valley motocross track in Lakewood, Colo.

Each July the dealership also sends donuts to local police and fire departments to encourage their employees to stop by for a Service Personnel Appreciation Day.

“Anyone in the military, fire department, police department gets special pricing, and we bring in as many people from each branch,” White said.

To continue to encourage traffic at its events, Fay Myers posts high-quality videos of each on its YouTube channel, showcasing the event’s happenings. The dealership also produces videos before some of the events in the hopes of drawing extra attendees.

So far, the grassroots event plan has worked for Fay Myers, and another slew of events are scheduled for 2013.

“You’re bringing foot traffic to your store, number one,” White said. “Number two, you’re creating community.”


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