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Oregon dealership changes hands

North Bend Powersports, a Polaris dealership located in North Bend, Oregon recently changed hands. The new owners, Tom Zomerschoe, Marcus Powley and Jason Smith, are longtime friends and ATV riders who frequent the nearby Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area.

The dealership, which was previously named Parker’s ATV & Cycle and was owned by Doug Parker for about 20 years, held a ribbon cutting ceremony May 3, and a grand opening event under its new name two days later.

Furthermore, the owners also also received allowance to renovate a former ice cream plane next door, according to a report from The World Link. Zomerschoe said they are planning on restoring the building and hope to have it running by summer of next year as place where they can showcase their ATV’s.

“Our dream would be to put some kind of bar or lounge up there too,” said Zomerschoe. “I would love to develop a place where people can hang out and be around others who enjoy the sport.”

To read the full report, click here

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