PWC sales maintain sales growth at retail
PWC sales, which have seen strong growth since mid-2014, dropped below 10 percent growth on a rolling 12-month basis in August, according to the latest Info-Link Bellwether report.
The Bellwether report tracks sales of powerboats across the country based on new U.S. boat registrations on a rolling 12-month basis. Bellwether states are geographically dispersed states representing roughly half of the U.S. boat market (varies by market segment and time of year).
For the second month in a row, the report showed slowing boat growth. While sales are still up on a rolling 12-month basis, the rate of growth in July and August was lower than the 12 months ending in June. Overall, sales were up about 7 percent in on a rolling 12-month basis through August, compared to almost 10 percent in June.
As it has the last several months, the ski boat category had the strongest growth, ticking up slightly from July to about 15 percent growth for the previous 12 months.
The sportfish segment was up about 8 percent for the period, falling off of the pace of the last few years, which has seen year-over-year growth of more than 10 percent for almost every month since 2012.
The sterndrive/jet boat segment was up about 3 percent for the period, down slightly from July’s report.