Watercraft theft drops 6 percent
As boat owners begin the annual task of winterizing and dry docking their boats for the season, the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) reports that watercraft theft continues to drop.
NICB’s annual report looks at watercraft theft and recoveries in the United States and examines watercraft reported stolen between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2014. The report is based on data from the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Overall, there were 5,181 watercraft thefts reported during 2014, a 6 percent decrease from 2013, when 5,537 thefts were recorded. This is the second year in a row that watercraft thefts have dropped 6 percent: the number of thefts in 2012 was 5,870.
On average, there were approximately 14 watercraft thefts per day, 100 per week, or 432 per month in 2014. Most thefts occurred during the spring and summer months with July recording the highest number with 667. February recorded the fewest with 223.
Download the watercraft report at www.nicb.org/newsroom/news-releases. Boat owners are reminded to practice safe and smart boating. That includes personal safety while on the water, as well as theft prevention.