Twitter accounts you should follow today
As the Powersports Business crew is perusing Twitter, we often run across social media accounts that we think dealers would benefit from following. The following is a Top 10 list of some of those accounts:
@PSBMagazine — We post links to our stories, as well as share other useful links and tweets we find.
@BRPSeaDoo — Sea-Doo is not only great at sharing its own happenings and news, but also at retweeting and replying to its customers. A great role model in social media management.
@JonErik19 — Jon-Erik Burleson, president of KTM North America, Inc., shares information about his company as well as his own riding adventures.
@Kuryakyn — Kuryakyn posts photos of the various motorcycle shows and rallies it ventures to, along with information about its latest products.
@TroyLeeDesigns — Riding gear company Troy Lee Designs offers race reports and videos from the track.
@StartEngaging — Engaged!, the social media management company, posts the latest social media news and advice.
@OPENForum — The Official American Express OPEN page often shares blogs on business practices.
@DonCooper — Don Cooper, The Sales Heretic, a former Profit Xcelerator speaker, offers sales and marketing advice as well as fun quips.
@ADP — ADP Lightspeed’s parent company posts business advice and news, particularly on human resources topics.
@EntMagazine — Entrepreneur Magazine shares articles from its website, with advice for business owners.