Trikes pick up steam among women riders
Tri Glide Ultra Classic, Spyder among top 10
New motorcycle registration data provided to Powersports Business by Polk shows that the Harley-Davidson XL883L was the top cruiser model purchased by females in the United States during the 2011 calendar year based on registrations. In fact, not only was the Sportster Superlow the most registered new bike, but it out-distanced No. 2 finisher the FLSTN, the Harley-Davidson Softail Deluxe, by more than double in registrations.

Some of the most interesting data on the accompanying charts shows that in the touring segment, three-wheeled bikes took two of the top 10 places among the new motorcycle registrations by females. The Harley-Davidson Tri Glide Ultra Classic ranked No. 4 in the touring category, with 779 registrations. The Can-Am Spyder, meanwhile, ranked eighth on the list with 298 registrations.
A total of 7,268 cruisers were registered to female buyers in the United States in 2011, and 6,576 touring bikes were registered by the same group.
Cruiser female data
Harley-Davidson took three of the first six spots in the cruiser segment. Following the 1,971 registrations of the Sportster Superlow and 772 by Softail Deluxe buyers, Yamaha’s V-Star 650 held the No. 3 spot with 739 new registrations. The Honda Rebel 250 was fourth with 651 registrations nationally, while the Harley-Davidson Sportster 1200 placed fifth.
Yamaha, book-ending a pair of top six rankings among female touring/cruiser riders in 2011, landed in the No. 6 spot with the Midnight Star at 553 registrations.
Harley-Davidson rounded out the top 10 new registrations among female touring/cruiser riders in 2011. The Super Glide Custom (544 registrations) held the No. 7 spot, ahead of the Softail Fat Boy (537), Dyna Wide Glide (442) and Dyna Street Bob (439).
Touring female data
Harley-Davidson took eight of the top 10 spots among females who bought touring bikes in 2011. The Street Glide won by a large margin, with 1,896 registrations. The Heritage Softail Classic (1,083) was next, followed by the Electra Glide Ultra (798) and Tri Glide Ultra Classic (779).
The Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic Electra Glide sat in the No. 5 spot with 457 registrations by females in 2011.