While powerboat sales were fighting back from more than five years of declining sales in February, PWC sales continued to drop year-over-year, according to the latest figures from the Info-Link Technologies Bellwether report.
Graphs of all of the Info-Link Bellwether Report data can be found by clicking here: Info-Link Technologies Bellwether Report.
After four months of an improving moving average of sales, year-over-year sales for PWC are holding steady at a 10 percent decline year-over-year for the last seven months, according to data about PWC sales from Bellwether states, which represent about half of the U.S. powerboat market, geographically dispersed.
The sales average for all states, which lags behind the Bellwether states by about three months, is even bleaker, with year-over-year sales below the Bellwether moving average. The sales average for all states is remaining at a decline of 12.5 percent, year-over-year.
The Bellwether Report is based on new U.S. boat registrations in geographically dispersed states representing roughly half of the U.S. boat market.