Jake Lewis wins AMA Roadrace Horizon Award
Jake Lewis, 15, of Princeton, Ky., was honored with the American Motorcyclist Association Roadrace Horizon at the AMA Racing Roadrace Grand Championships, which were held Saturday and Sunday at Indiana’s Putnam Park.
Lewis is a longtime AMA Racing amateur roadracer and dirt-track racer. He has numerous career championships and honors in both segments, including the 2009 AMA Youth Roadracer of the Year Award. He also took home the No. 1 plate in the Open SS Expert class. The AMA Roadrace Horizon Award is given each year to a young roadracer poised to enter the professional ranks and who demonstrates great promise for a successful pro career.
“This has been my goal all year – to get the AMA Roadrace Horizon Award,” Lewis said. “I’m really excited. I couldn’t have done it without Earl Hayden’s 1help. He’s sponsored me all these years.”
Lewis, who joined the ranks of Ben Spies, Jason DiSalvo and Blake Young in winning the Horizon Award, is now preparing for the Daytona 200.
Along with Lewis, 22 others were crowned at the Grand Championships, including: Nick McFadden, 14, of Owensboro, Ky., and Andre Ochs, 15, of Fallbrook, Calif., both winners of the AMA Youth Roadracer of the Year Award; Alex Walker, 24, of Streator, Ill., who earned the AMA Top Novice Award; and Richardo Valdez, 31, of Chicago, who took home the AMA Racing Vet/Senior Roadracer of the Year Award.
“The AMA thanks all the racers who came out and supported this event,” AMA Racing and organizer services director Joe Bromley said. “In addition, we extend our appreciation to our event partner, the U.S. Grand Prix Riders Union, for doing a stellar job organizing and managing this national championship program. We had great weather, a great track and professional organization.”
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