PowerMadd set for snowmobile season
New flares expected to heat up sales this winter
By Liz Hochstedler
Associate Editor
Minnesota-based companies weren’t hard to find at the Haydays snowmobile show. OEMs Polaris and Arctic Cat were there (alongside Ski-Doo and Yamaha), along with sled dealers and other area vendors. But aftermarket companies didn’t miss the show that attracted tens of thousands over two days either.
PowerMadd, based out of Wyoming, Minn., was staked out in a tent just a short walk from the four major OEMs, showcasing its snowmobile products.
Two new products are aimed at keeping snowmobilers’ hands warm. The Race Flare extends the size of the standard PowerMadd Star series flare and is easy to mount, says company vice president Paul LeMere. The second addition, known simply as The Flare, straps onto a standard-sized handguard to give even more protection.
“It just gives you added coverage in the cold and wet,” LeMere said.
The Star series handguards are one of PowerMadd’s top sellers because they provide added protection for riders.
“You use a handguard because it’s going to help keep your hands warm. You can wear lighter gloves,” LeMere said.
But the handguards aren’t the only line that’s a solid seller for PowerMadd in the winter. The company’s risers raise handlebars for riders, and its Cobra windshields are popular additions as well.
“Our graphics make the Cobra windshields unique. We take the stock windshield of the unit and improve upon it for better coverage,” LeMere said.
PowerMadd products are available through major distributors, and they’re ideal for any dealership carrying sleds, LeMere said.
“We have products for every make,” he said, adding dealers also are drawn to the company’s quality products and customer service.
With the traffic he had seen by early on the first day of Haydays in September, LeMere was already hopeful for the upcoming season.
“I’m optimistic,” he said. “This show has been great. All indicators are we’re going to have snow this year. People are out ready to spend money.”
LeMere expects the customers who held back last year to open their wallets once the snow falls this winter.
“I think last year got everyone pumped with all the snow. I know I was,” he said.
As Haydays showed, customers are already anticipating an exciting snowmobiling season, and dealers have to be prepared for that early-season excitement, LeMere said.
“I don’t know why, but snowmobilers get excited early,” he said, “so you have to get the models and products out early.”