H-D dealership benefits from Sparta transaction
Sparta Commercial Services, Inc. announced that Essex Fells, N.J., has become the most recent jurisdiction to join the growing number of municipalities across the country that are utilizing Sparta’s Municipal Lease Program for the acquisition of their essential equipment. Essex Fells is the fifth New Jersey municipal agency — including the city of Newark — to join the ranks that have selected the Sparta Municipal Program to acquire the Harley-Davidson police motorcycles they require.
Sparta’s Municipal Lease Program is becoming increasingly popular among towns, cities, and other government entities throughout the United States as an alternative to the traditional “all cash up-front” method of acquiring their necessary equipment. The emerging preference for the Sparta program lies in the fact that it enables these governmental agencies to pay the cost of equipment over time and avoid the burden of having to place additional strains on limited annual budgets.
“Working with Sparta’s Municipal Lease professionals is definitely a pleasure,” said Paul McGlynn, operations manager at Liberty Harley-Davidson in Rahway, N.J., which is the vendor that supplied the motorcycles for this and another Sparta transaction. “They have a keen understanding of our needs, and they consistently make the transactions as simple and straightforward as possible.”
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