S&S Cycle prepares for 50th Anniversary celebration
S&S Cycle’s 50th anniversary celebration runs Friday, June 27-29 in LaCrosse, Wis.
Several motorcycle-related and general interest events are already planned, such as S&S facility tours, the 50 builder/50 bike build-off for $50,000, dyno shoot-outs and street drags at the La Crosse Speedway, historical rides, a La Crosse Area Harley-Davidson sponsored ride to and from the J&P Open House, La Crosse City Brewery tours, riverboat tours and cruises, concerts, baseball games and fireworks.
A unique feature for the celebration will include riverboat cruises with each of the builders in the S&S build-off event. The builders will host a riverboat cruise on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, and visitors will have the opportunity to buy tickets to ride with their favorite custom builder. For a full schedule of events, list of the builders, maps and hotel listings, visit www.sscycle50th.com.