ATV guide to be developed for Minnesota
Yamaha Motor Corp., U.S.A. and the All-Terrain Vehicle Association of Minnesota have teamed up to fund and produce a comprehensive Minnesota State ATV Club map. The new map will show local riding areas and trails, with information on local clubs and ATV dealers.
The map will show Minnesota ATV and UTV riders all the appropriate riding trails and areas, and encourage riders to become more involved in their local riding clubs.
For its part, Yamaha helped fund the map’s production with cash and product donations, including a Rhino 450 being raffled on the ATVAM Web site. Last year, Yamaha donated funds to help finance an ATVAM-commissioned economic impact study conducted by the University of Minnesota Tourism Center. ATVAM raised funds from members to help support the production of the map and oversaw its development.
Free copies of the map will be available this spring at Yamaha ATV and UTV dealers in Minnesota, and through ATVAM.