S&S Updates Reseller Policy, Prohibits Online Orders
S&S Cycle, Inc., Viola, Wisc., announced a new Reseller Internet Policy that may change the way some of the company’s distributors and authorized dealers do business.
The new retailer agreement, found at www.sscycle.com/iframes/login.php, highlights Prohibited Internet Tactics and Practices; among them, that resellers may not solicit or accept orders for any S&S Engine Products on or through the Internet.
However, while a reseller may not advertise the price of any S&S engine product on the Internet, S&S says the reseller may advertise in general terms on the Internet that they have S&S engine products available.
“As a leader in the industry, we need to make sure the retail customer receives proper service and support of the products they purchase,” said S&S Cycle Sr. Sales Executive Kurt Peterson. “Purchasing a high performance product from a web site does not provide an opportunity to establish the type of relationship we feel customers need. We want the customer to have a qualified dealer to purchase from; making sure S&S products are being installed and serviced properly.”
S&S says compliance with the policy – already distributed to all S&S distributors and dealers – is a requirement that will be “enforced across the board.”
In other S&S Cycle news, Brian Conyers has been promoted to Senior Manager of Communications & Marketing. Conyers joined S&S in June 2004 as Logistics & Customer Systems Interface Specialist.