Wisconsin Offers Harley-Davidson $4.5 Million in Tax Credits
Harley-Davidson Motor Company will receive $4.5 million in enterprise zone jobs tax credits from the Wisconsin Department of Commerce to support an expansion of its Menomonee Falls facility, ongoing workforce training and development, and the continued growth of Harley-Davidson in the state.
After considering expansion outside Wisconsin, Harley-Davidson and members of Local 2-209 of the United Steel Workers came to an agreement to expand engine and transmission facilities in Milwaukee – an expansion that will enable the company create new jobs in Wisconsin.
The tax credits are tied to plans by Harley-Davidson to invest $300 million in the state over the next several years and will be used to facilitate the creation of up to 200 additional jobs and retention of the company’s approximate 4,100 existing Wisconsin jobs. About 100 of those new jobs are related to the planned Menomonee Falls plant expansion.
“A few weeks ago, many thought these additional jobs were heading out of Wisconsin, but the company, the union, and my administration never gave up,” Governor Doyle said. “Because of our work together Harley will expand right here in Wisconsin and retain its operations in this state.”
“Governor Doyle and the Department of Commerce were extremely supportive and engaged throughout our decision-making process on the expansion,” said Jim McCaslin, Harley-Davidson Motor Company president and chief operating officer.